The main thing to keep in mind is that the living room promotes sociability, the dining room improves appetite, the office improves performance and mental alertness, and the bedroom helps to relax. At the same time, we do not forget that the north side is responsible for professional activities, the south-west is for relations, the north-east is allocated for education, and the north-west is for entertainment and recreation.
The choice of an apartment according to Vastu can significantly improve the general indicators of the quality of life of a person and the whole family. Therefore, it is desirable to initially choose an apartment that best meets the principles of Vastu. The choice of an apartment according to Vastu should be based on many parameters. Of course, in the conditions of the modern metropolis, it is quite difficult to choose an apartment with harmonious aspects of Vastu. However, there are a number of basic rules by which you should choose a Vastu apartment.
Some “Vastu experts” advise “simple methods” to evaluate a place, that is, to feel the vibration of this place. However, in this approach there may be erroneous adverse results. First, this approach is rather mystical and deceptive, because a modern person who is in an overloaded information space may be full of anxieties and internal disturbances, and at the time of the “feeling” of the vibrations of a place, he may be under stress. As well as in modern man, in principle, the inner subtle vision is blunted, since the material side of life prevails over the spiritual. Secondly, each person has his own set of qualities and his own horoscope and destiny.
Therefore, he can choose the space according to his horoscope, which has unfavorable aspects. The unfavorable aspects of the horoscope need to be worked through, and the space of the place will just aggravate its negative character traits. For the most part, this is the case, since a man’s house reflects to some extent his fate. That is, a person chooses a space according to his fate.